Our faith in Jesus as the Christ is the epicenter to all we are doing. Click here to learn more about what we believe and what services are available.

We are offering formal education in these practical trades among others through local partners: general education, multimedia production, nursing, mechanics, leadership, etc.

We are all interconnected regardless of what we each may or may not believe. We want to be a positive contributor beyond times when life is going well. People need help when the house is on fire. We’re running in after you. We see you.

About us

Breaking It Down

We are a divided people. Externally we are divided among each other for a litany of both legitimate and illegitimate reasons. Internally we find ourselves in a type of exile from ourselves. This exile often takes the form of masks we each wear everyday and each with different rules.

Church-face requires us to smile and state that everything is great while we bleed out where no one can see.  Work-face requires us to play politics and forge alliances to get ahead or just to get something basic done.  Home-face…That one varies a lot. One thing unites all these masks…

They are all a lie.

Our major goal at KF is to begin tearing down the divisions that exhaustive and synthetic compartmentalization have added to limit flow in our lives. Once the pipes begin to clear and flow begins…Now we can get into some amazing things…

Are there going to be bumps?  Yes. Absolutely, but they will be refreshingly legitimate, fought head on and occur while surrounded by people who are engaged with you.

The best life is experienced and embraced among people with minimal opportunity for deflection along side an abundance of genuine love. Faith, work and family. All encompassing. No synthetic barriers while encouraging healthy boundaries.

We want to empower those connected with us to experience this rather ancient dynamic and then launch them out into the world successfully.

You ready to go?

Our Team

Here is our team. Aren’t they marvelous. They are all well trained and well equipped the task ahead. We are hiring for an Outreach Director…{sigh}

Orange Bob

Ministry Director

Blue Bob

Education Director

Red Bob

Media Director


Outreach Director